Colorado New Construction

Each year more than 1.2 million homes are built in the United States. Many people choose to build a new home to realize a dream, get more space, invest in a new property, enjoy a new vacation home, etc. There are an endless amount of reasons to invest in a Colorado new construction. When you make the choice to build your dream home, there are a lot of decisions to make such as design, size, budgeting, materials, appliances, etc. Working with an experienced and proven Colorado new construction contractor can help to make those decisions a lot easier to make. At Mountain Renovations, our team of dedicated contracting and construction experts is here with you for each step of the construction journey. If you are considering a new home, ensure that you work with construction professionals that you can trust. Give us a call to schedule your initial consultation today.

Planning For New Construction

A lot goes into a Colorado new construction project. It is recommended to be prepared for each phase of the project before it begins. Listed below are some planning tips for your new home.


  • Set Your Budget: When building a new home, the expenses can quickly add up. When setting your budget, it is advisable that you set aside more money than you actually need just in case you go a bit over your initial budget.
  • Choose Your Lot: Your budget will also play a role in determining where your lot will be. Working with a trusted real estate agent can help you to choose a location that works best for you and your family.
  • Select Your Colorado New Construction Team: Your new home will be as good as the team that you have assembled to build it is. It is important to work with construction and contracting professionals that are proven and know what they are doing.
  • Negotiate Your Terms: You will be doing a lot of negotiating when planning your new home. Know the areas that you have some flexibility in and the choices that you will not give ground on.

What to Expect During New Construction

You can expect to be in constant communication with your contractor during the construction process. Furthermore, there may be delays due to weather, waiting for certain materials, etc. New home custom construction projects typically take anywhere from 10 to 16 months. Depending on the intricacies and size of your home, it may take shorter or longer than average. Patience will be required throughout the process. When the construction is completed, you have the opportunity to complete a walkthrough with your contractors. This is the time that you will point out areas that you want to be improved, explained, or redone (if possible). The better the contractor, the easier the walkthrough will be.

Working With Mountain Renovations

Our knowledgeable and experienced team of contracting and construction experts are ready to help you to build your dream Colorado new construction. We understand how important every detail of your new home is, which is why we only work with the best contractors in Colorado. Do not risk your happiness, peace of mind, and finances by working with a subpar contractor. Give the professionals at Mountain Renovations a call to schedule your initial consultation today.